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How Dealers Can Better Support Advisors with KYP Compliance and Investment Product Research

The introduction of KYP (Know Your Product) legislation has altered how advisors operate and interact with their clients. Previously, advisors might have had informal due diligence processes in place. However, the KYP legislation mandates a formalized and documented approach. These regulations now impose greater responsibility on advisors to demonstrate that they have conducted comprehensive due diligence on products before recommending them to clients.

KYP regulation requires advisors to research and evaluate a range of similar products to demonstrate that they made the best choice for their clients which can pose challenges, particularly for those with less experience. Meeting these standards is valuable for clients but may be demanding for advisors newly navigating the process or those that aren’t using software solutions to automate the process.

Fortunately, great KYP tools are available to streamline and optimize this process—ensuring advisor compliance and increasing client trust. By adopting KYP tools, dealers can support advisors in efficiently managing their investment product research and compliance. This empowers advisors to elevate their practice, demonstrate their expertise, and offer a more transparent, client-focused service.

How KYP Tools Benefit Advisors and Dealers

The KYP legislation mandates that both advisors and dealers must be well-versed in the products they are offering. Without KYP tools, advisors would need to manually select and monitor preferred funds regularly, be it quarterly, monthly, or weekly, depending on their process. However, to expand their fund selection and reduce the time spent on research while obtaining high-quality analytics, investing in and implementing KYP tools is essential.

KYP tools enable advisors to independently compare fund suitability and optimize client portfolios, enhancing their ability to deliver tailored financial advice. By managing compliance and conducting comprehensive product evaluations, advisors can efficiently meet regulatory requirements. Additionally, these tools free up time for advisors to focus on their core strengths: understanding client goals and recommending suitable strategies to achieve them.

Overall, this shift in responsibility allows advisors to provide added value to their clients through thorough research. With adequate dealer support, advisors can take a more informed, transparent, and client-focused approach, ultimately strengthening the advisor-client relationship and enhancing the overall client experience. Dealers can support advisors in this new landscape by providing KYP tools to streamline the research process.

The opportunity for dealers is to improve their advisor value proposition, not just by providing KYP tools, but also by supporting and educating their advisors in the proper use of the software and how best to navigate the compliance process.

How KYP Tools Help Highlight Advisor Expertise

KYP tools can help advisors turn a compliance requirement into an opportunity. While advisors have traditionally conducted product due diligence organically. KYP tools introduce a more systematized approach, making the entire process more efficient for the industry as a whole. The best KYP tools automate the process and save advisors significant time. In the past, manual comparisons were labor-intensive and even many KYP tools require the advisor to select each fund to be compared. The best software solutions automate the comparison process making compliance easy to achieve.

Additionally, KYP tools can help strengthen client trust and relationships. Clients appreciate thorough research and value propositions, and KYP compliance tools allow advisors to demonstrate their rationale for selecting specific mandates. Advisors can use KYP tools to showcase their ability to navigate the available mandates and narrow them down to the best options based on their practice and business strategy. This presents a fantastic opportunity for advisors to elevate their businesses to a higher level.

The thorough research and transparency mandated by KYP legislation becomes an opportunity for advisors to showcase their skills and expertise. As such, access to KYP tools facilitates this process. The tools allow advisors to conduct independent, in-depth research, evaluate a wide range of investment products, and monitor client portfolios with greater precision. By researching and comparing products and presenting their findings clearly and professionally, advisors can demonstrate their extensive knowledge and commitment to rigorous due diligence.

Overall, the ability to find the best products for a client and demonstrate the product suitability builds client trust by underscoring the advisor's professionalism and dedication to delivering high-quality, client-focused service.


The introduction of KYP legislation has required advisors to research, evaluate, and compare investment options, ultimately enhancing their ability to make informed decisions and provide tailored investment strategies. However, navigating these new regulations can be challenging without the right technology.

This is where dealers play a crucial role. By providing advisors with KYP tools, support and education dealers can facilitate the research and compliance process, ensuring advisors have the resources needed to meet regulatory requirements efficiently and build strong relationships with their clients.

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