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Our Insurance Insights

A Comprehensive Guide to Customer Experience in the Life Insurance Industry

Top Insights

Advisor Productivity

Insurance Producers in Latin America: A Call for Improving Their Business Experience

A Celent survey of 700 producers from 24 countries, commissioned by Equisoft, revealed barriers such as a lack of expertise in digital transformation, and reliance on traditional prospecting, sales, and service methods over technology.
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Future of Insurance

 MetLife’s Global Technology Office: Top 5 Transformation Priorities

The EVP and Head of Global Technology and Operations at Metlife explained how they executed on differentiation through customer focus and how digital innovation is driven by two types of customer needs.
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Agency Management System

New Solutions to Agency Management and Commission Accounting Challenges

Three challenges faced by life insurance distributors and how tech solutions can solve commission accounting problems.
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Exclusive PAS Modernization Insights Series

3 Major Themes Driving Insurance Technology Change at Life Insurers

Policy Administration System

3 Major Themes Driving Insurance Technology Change at Life Insurers

Equisoft commissioned Novarica to conduct an in-depth interview series with mid- to large-tier life insurance CIOs actually engaged in modernization projects. Read part one of this three part series on the results.
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4 Critical Challenges That Must Be Tackled to Ensure Successful PAS Modernization

Policy Administration System

4 Critical Challenges That Must Be Tackled to Ensure Successful PAS Modernization

Life insurance CIOs interviewed in recent Equisoft and Novarica research identified a number of potential issues—from planning to data conversion to testing—that can derail modernization. Read what the 4 biggest challenges were.
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5 Elements That Make Digital Transformation a Success

Policy Administration System

5 Elements That Make Digital Transformation a Success

It is critical for leaders initiating modernization projects to make the right decisions today, so they don’t leave a legacy of consequences for those who follow. Equisoft and Novarica research revealed 5 critical elements for success.
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Carrier Insights

Planning a Digital Transformation to Create Superior Customer Engagement

Policy Administration System

Planning a Digital Transformation to Create Superior Customer Engagement

Find out the 3 most critical steps to solving the insurance client engagement data gap

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Digital Insurance Value Chain

Quotes & Illustrations

Digital Client Engagement—End-to-End Insurance Carrier Solutions for Speeding Policy On-Boarding

Few African insurers take on ‘big-bang’ digital transformations that revolutionize their entire IT ecosystem. Find out how to build the right roadmap to drive digital CX in Africa.
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Customer Experience

Self-Service Portals

Improving Customer Experience and Engagement in Insurance

Find out how to improve customer experience and engagement in the insurance industry.
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Distributor Insights

Defining a New Insurance Distributor Value Prop

Agency Management System

Defining a New Insurance Distributor Value Proposition for Advisors

See the top 4 trends that impact today’s value proposition for insurance distribution

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Agency Management System

A 360° View Of African Insurance Agency Automation – Unveiling Bottlenecks & Solutions​

Research: Equisoft, Cenfri & African insurance association execs reveal top reasons why policy approval timelines are too long—and what distributors can do to expedite the process.
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Agency Management System

How Insurance Agency Management Systems Harness the Power of Data to Drive Digital Transformation

Traditional agency roles, processes and strategies are being redefined and the new digital value proposition enabling distributors to provide greater value for all partners will be driven by data
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Advisor Insights

Equisoft e Book How to Kick Off Card Image 640x452

Policy Administration System

How To Kick Off a PAS Modernization Project, the Right Way: Insights From a Veteran Project Manager

Find out what a veteran project manager is revealing about her experience with why PAS modernization projects succeed or fail. Get practical insights and questions to ask when planning your next project.

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Financial Needs Analysis

Financial Advisor CRM and Asset Allocation Software Pitfalls

Avoid making the wrong financial advisor software choice both for financial advisor CRM and asset allocation software
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Equisoft e Book Critical Resourcing Decisions Card Image 640x452

Policy Administration System

Critical Resourcing Decisions that Ensure the Success of your PAS Modernization Project

Find out how to resource your project and get real world experiences and unique ideas from veteran project managers, business analysts and solution architects.
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Actionable Advice for Succeeding in your PAS Modernization

Our Video Insights

Insure Tech Connect Vegas Equisoft Life Annuity Workshop

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The Future of Your CX

In this keynote address, Dan McCoach explores how our world has changed and there’s no going back—making customization and personalization of paramount importance for insurers.

Unlock The Power of Data-Driven CX

Top experts reveal strategies and tools for creating data-driven CX that connects with customers in a digital-first world

Analyst Video: Strategic Advice for Life Insurance Leaders

Get insider insights from top industry analysts on strategic insights for life insurance leaders, including: what leaders need to know about the challenges facing the industry and how to effectively meet them.

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